Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruit in the world. Bananas are free of fat, high in potassium and low on salt. It lowers the risk of cancer and asthma, it lowers blood pressure and protects against heart attack and stroke.
If you have left over very ripe bananas do not throw them, just add to wheat flour and make a dough. Roll it out into disks and make delicious banana flavour chappathis/rotis.
Wheat flour 2 tea cup
Bananas (small) 3
OR Banana (big) 1
Water as required
Salt 1/2 tsp
Ghee/butter/olive oil as required
In a large bowl add wheat flour, bananas and salt. Mix everything nicely. Add little water at a time and knead it into a dough. keep it covered for half an hour.
Make balls out of the dough. Put flour on the rolling pin and board and roll out disks of 5-6 inches in diameter.
On medium fire heat a flat nonstick pan, keep a rolled out disk on the pan. Keep for 2 minutes then flip and keep the other side for 2 minutes.
Apply ghee/ butter (optional). Serve hot with any veg/non veg gravy.