Parmigiana is a hard granular cheese and its English name is Parmesan.Pasta provides one with energy as well as essential nutrients in the form of fiber, vitamins and minerals. White and whole wheat pastas serve as excellent sources of selenium, a mineral that activates antioxidant enzymes. Tomatoes are sweet, juicy and delicious. They are fat free, low in calories and and have Vitamin C. Garlic has antiviral, anti-fungal ,antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
In this recipe Pasta is layered with tomato sauce, then it is layered with mozzarella cheese, mint leaves and boiled sweet corns. On top it is layered with cottage cheese and parmesan cheese then baked. Hard cheese Parmesan or softer cheese mozzarella or combination of both is used.
Tomatoes medium 4 no.
Garlic minced 4-5 cloves
Oregano 1/2 tsp
Olive oil 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Boiled pasta 1 tea cup
Cottage cheese/ paneer 5-6 cubes
Bread crumbs 1/4 tea cup
Oregano 1 tsp
Boiled sweet corn kernels 1/2 tea cup
Grated mozzarella cheese 2 tbsp
Parmesan cheese 2 tbsp
Mint leaves finely chopped 1 tbsp
Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Add garlic and saute for a minute. Blanch the tomatoes and blend it then add it with garlic. On low heat let it reduce and cook till it becomes thick. Add oregano and salt. Turn off the heat. Keep it aside.
In a round baking dish add a layer of tomato sauce. Then add a layer boiled pasta. On top of pasta add a layer of grated mozzarella cheese, boiled corn kernels, oregano and finely chopped mint leaves.
On top of that arrange a layer of panner, then on top of panner add a layer of bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese.
In a preheated oven bake for 15 minutes at 150 deg C.
Serve hot.