Eggs are among one of the healthiest and nutritious food. They are consumed all over the world and is a rich source of protein. Hard boiled eggs are good for bones and eyes. Egg whites contains almost no fat and the carbohydrate content is less than 1% , unlike the yolk which is high in fats.
This recipe is simple and easy to make. Bread is coated in egg and toasted in a flat pan.
Wheat bread slice 2
Egg 1
Cheese single 1
Pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Oregano 1 tsp
Olive oil/butter 2 tsp
Salt to taste
Break an egg and put it on a plate. Season with very little salt, pepper and oregano.
Heat a non stick pan on medium flame and add oil/butter.
Dip each slice of bread on both sides in the egg and put it on the pan. Cook on low heat.
When it turns golden flip it. Add a cheese single on one slice of bread. When it melts flip the other bread slice on top of the cheese bread. Turn off the heat.
Cut in half. Egg sandwich is ready to eat.
Note Do not season the egg with too much salt as cheese single will make it more salty.